Deadly kiss

 The project refers to the Fraternal Kiss, a tradition popularized by the leaders of the countries of the former Eastern Socialist Bloc to show their commitment to the Soviet leadership.

From the formal point of view, I want to accentuate the deformation of the front of the faces as the identity of the subject seems to be lost or melded into the action of the kiss.

Deadly kiss II (Stalin & Mao) Triptych Graphite and Pitt Charcoal on 300 gr paper, 70 x 90 cm
Deadly kiss I (Lenin & Stalin) Triptych Graphite and Pitt Charcoal on 300 gr paper, 70 x 90 cm
Deadly kiss III (Stalin & Castro) Triptych Graphite and Pitt Charcoal on 300 gr paper, 70 x 90 cm
Stalin's Dagger revolver
MANG backside